Intuitive Development is Fun!

Even after years of experimenting with visual, auditory, and kinesthetic exercises to enhance my intuition, each new meditation or focus-exercise surprises me.

Think of it like this: You went somewhere today, right? Maybe it was the bus stop or a little cafe, maybe your own kitchen. Now, take a moment to really reflect on that experience. Try to pick up MORE from the scene than you did when you were there with only one purpose.

Though you interacted in that scene, your brain picked up on far more details than what was needed to just, say, grab a cup of coffee or purchase a ticket. Imagine stepping back into the scene and see what else you saw, heard, smelled, or tasted. Was it a woman in a blue jacket who looked familiar to you? The sound of shoes shuffling across the floor, the smell of bagels, the taste of coffee in the air, or your toothpaste?

You can do the same exact thing with imagined scenes -- a dream or a vision. Maybe you heard a voice in a dream or saw a quick glimpse of a house. Can you imagine it over and over again and pick up more details about the voice or vision? Did the voice sound older or child-like? Was it male or female? What color was the house? How many levels did it have?

This week, we'll play with these ideas over at the Willows East Tarot and Lenormand Facebook Group. We'd love for you to join us! I'll have some fun exercises for you to see how you pick up your intuitive information and what the symbols you see might mean!