Using Tarot to Gain Insight From Ancestors

Here is another practical use for Tarot - communicating with your ancestors! Now, if you're not comfortable channeling your great-great grandmother in seance-like glory, don't worry! You don't have to. You can simply ask the cards what your ancestors want you to know.

Before you begin, ask that only positive messages of growth and support come through. Then you can trust that if you get, say, the Tower card, that your ancestors are simply showing their support for some possible chaos that may be creeping up in your life.

Here are some questions that you may want to ask. Think about these questions in the span of a week, journal about your answers, and reflect:
  • What is my current situation?
  • How can I focus on happiness?
  • What wisdom can you give me to help with any challenges I may experience this week?
  • What strengths have you passed down to me?
If you want more insight about a particular ancestor's story, you can ask questions like:
  • What is your personality?
  • How did you pass away?
  • What was your life's purpose?
Especially in this type of reading, you should feel free to let go of the text-book meanings of cards and enjoy the beautiful imagery, using your intuition to understand the meanings of the cards. Does something in the images remind you of your grandmother? A bird, a robe? Jot it down!

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