When the Cards Tell You "No"

The Intuitive Pattern

Ok, so the cards didn't really tell me a firm "no" ... But, after this past week, as I pulled myself out of the spiritual slump I was in, I kept asking my cards what I should do next with my business, with life. I did a life purpose reading for myself. I tried to form my personal/business mission statement with the cards and even planned to talk about it in this week's podcast. I have a journal page all set aside for it and everything! Then, I did my monthly and weekly reading and, well, I felt not only a clear message from the cards, but I picked up on a pattern. And, among the pattern, I actually found a theme...

The Wall

So, I told you that I've been kind of forcing this business to fit inside a "package," or a very, um, earthly idea of what I think it should be -- newsletter, podcast, site, readings, my mission statement, etc. But the cards have all of a sudden been telling me to "stop," and my intuition has been doing the same. Every time I think about the next step in my business, I visually see a wall, and feel a halt in my thought process. Every. Single. Time.

Last week, the 9 of Wands popped up in a reading. In the context of the reading, I noticed that the message seemed to be to stop and wait. The seeds were well planted for a successful business, everything was going fine. I thought that the message was, "It's OK to stop working on this business for awhile, it's OK to rest." I was getting over a nasty cold, after all. But now that I feel better and ready to jump back in with renewed motivation and excitement, the wall hasn't gone away. And, the cards seem to agree with the wall!

The Cards Say "No"

In fact, this Sunday, I sat down to do my weekly forecast (and monthly for May). I asked my cards again how I could improve the business and make it more profitable this month. The first card I got was the 3 of Swords. I cringed. I considered a re-draw. I don't deal reversals, so I considered that this card might actually be more positive or indicative of an internal struggle I was dealing with. Maybe it meant I should work more closely with clients who were suffering significant grief.

There are literally millions of interpretations (which is why we have to trust our intuition when it comes to card reading, right?). As soon as I saw that card, I felt the word "No." I felt the wall. I felt the block. I wrote in my journal: Heartache: Break old habits. Let go of what does not serve you.

The next cards were The Magician, 6 of Pentacles, and 8 of Cups. Quick keyword analysis: Willpower, Generosity, Spiritual-Path. And I just knew the answer.

Feeling the Answer

I had a feeling and, with the feeling, I had a vision of climbing the wall. I looked over to the other side and saw a warm day, light-blue sky and fluffy clouds. And I just knew what the cards were telling me: it was never about the business. This whole spiritual journey has nothing to do with the business. If I want to build the business, I can (and will). The podcast, the blog, the very fact that you're reading this is all just a platform to share my spiritual journey (if I want to). The Magician is my right to choose. The 6 of Pentacles is a reminder that it's more about giving than receiving. The 8 of Cups is telling me to walk my spiritual path. And nothing more. There is not one other thing I need to do. There's no obligation. Sharing the spiritual journey with you is a bonus, because I love this community and sharing ideas.

In short: it's not about "taking a break," it's about living the break. Choosing rest and relaxation. Choosing a business or career that makes me happy and provides me the least amount of stress. Right now, that's what I have. This business brings in extra income, and it's not really a "business" by its true definition. It's an extension of who I am and what I love. The profit part has always been secondary, and that's exactly what I need it to be.