REVEAL March 22, 2016

Card 1: Speaking of the 5 of Cups -- here it is again! As I mentioned in my newsletter this week, this card means a few different things to me. Though you may be experiencing some feelings of defeat or loss, focus on the two cups in this card that are still standing. This hints that, there is still hope, not all is lost. Focus on that hope, on all your blessings, and trust that the negative aspects of this week will fade.

Card 2: The World suggests that you're feeling like you have it all this week, that your life is in balance. Strive to maintain that as the week reaches its end. You don't have to have it all together all the time, so give yourself a break and a pat on the back for doing your best!

Card 3: The Queen of Cups is the sweetest queen of all, the southern belle. If you're struggling in your relationships this week, try to soothe your angry heart and see the good in the situation. Have empathy, and try to see things from all sides. Show a little more love and appreciation at work, and connect with that co-worker or friend who needs a little extra love this week.