REVEAL March 14, 2016

Thanks for checking your weekly reveal! Here are the cards I pulled:

If you picked Card 1 (Nine of Swords), you may be experiencing bouts of nightmares, insomnia, or depression. I often credit this to the changing seasons (daylight savings?), allergies, or the start of a cold. Other times, we just feel "blah," and that's OK too. Remember that it's OK to let these feelings sink in, to explore them. Being sad is OK. And, this week, you may want to ask your cards or higher self, "How can I overcome these feelings of sadness?" The Tarot, and life, promises that the dawn will always come. A rainbow appears after the storm.

If you picked Card 2 (Page of Cups), it looks like you are looking forward to diving into a new project or relationship. You are approaching this with an innocent joy and love for all the experience may hold -- good or bad. You are taking the plunge! Make sure that, there's an even balance of logic in that pool of emotion, so you don't get too carried away by the thrill of the chase!

If you picked Card 3 (The Empress), this is a big one! As a major arcana card, she could mean so many things. Here's a quick run-down: The Empress feels very "springy" to me right now. She is a mother-figure, strong, feminine, intuitive. She could be calling you to embody more of your feminine side. She could be encouraging you to call your mother. She could be leading you to a more caring and loving relationship with someone, or just wanting to see you connecting with nature more. Whichever meaning you connect with, take a look at the 'big picture' to see how The Empress can add more fulfillment to your week.