REVEAL March 7, 2016

Reading for March 7th:

1. If you chose card #1, the Knight of Wands, a project you're currently working on is moving quickly. You are in "the zone" and feeling productive. Take advantage of this time and use it to get the job done! If this card represents a person, someone in your life may be driving you to complete tasks quickly or storming into a project and trying to take over. Make sure your voice is heard and that your work is valued.

2. Time for a new perspective. Out with the old and in with the new! If you're feeling a block this week, spend some time with your cards or in meditation. That idea you have that seems kind of crazy... may actually solve your problem!

3. Time to rest. The challenges you're currently facing need to be ignored for awhile. Sleep on it, meditate, do some mindless work. The answer will present itself in time.